Job Details


LITS: Digital Scholarship Project Assistant
Job ID 3727
Job Type On-Campus Jobs
Employer LITS
Date Posted Nov 20, 2024
Category Library
Job Description Successful candidates will work as captioners, subtitlers, and translators to provide future users with accurate captions and subtitles in both English and Italian for each of the 10 content videos currently uploaded on the channel. Students will take advantage of AI automatic tools already embedded in YouTube Video Editing with the broad aim of enhancing the accessibility and inclusivity of the channel. Proficiency?in both Italian and English is required. As part of their work, students will gain proficiency with the YouTube Creator Studio platform. The positions are sponsored by the Digital Bryn Mawr Grant Program and LITS, which will also be responsible for initial training and technical advising during the semester. For more information, please contact and Duties Overview Students will be responsible for generating and correcting video transcripts in English and in Italian. Additional work may include blogging in Italian or contributing social media content for the Transnational Italian Studies department. Apply here:
Job Requirements Required Excellent collaboration skills Excellent attention to detail Ability to work independently and with a team Willingness to learn and troubleshoot new technologies Strong skills in three aspects of Italian language (listening comprehension, writing, and translating) Preferred Interest in or experience with multimedia communication, social media, or blogging Experience with transcription or translation or with YouTube Creator Studio platform
Available Openings 3
Hours 5.0 to 8.0 hours per week
Hourly Rate $15.00/hour
Time Frame Spring
Contact Name Alice Tweedy McGrath
Contact Email
Work Location N/A
Phone N/A
Fax N/A

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