My JobMail Subscriptions

The JobMail system sends email to you when jobs of interest are posted. Add and edit your JobMail subscriptions below to determine what jobs you will receive JobMail about.

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On-Campus Jobs    «?»[ Add New Job Mail Subscription ]
Click to edit Subscription Name: Subscription1 [ Delete Job Mail Subscription ]
Employer  1 selectedmodified  
Category  0 selectedmodified  
Time Frame  0 selectedmodified  
Off-Campus Jobs    «?»[ Add New Job Mail Subscription ]
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On-Campus SUMMER Jobs    «?»[ Add New Job Mail Subscription ]
Click to edit Subscription Name: jacquelinerobinson [ Delete Job Mail Subscription ]
Employer  3 selectedmodified  
Category  1 selectedmodified  
Time Frame  6 selectedmodified  

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