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Jobs found: 10
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Employer: The Arts
Wage: $15.00/hr Openings: 1 Listed: 08/14/2024
Hours: 0 to 12 hours / week Location:
Goodhart Hall
Category: Arts/Entertainment
Employer: Teaching and Learning Initiative
Wage: $15.00/hr Openings: 1 Listed: 09/03/2024
Hours: 1 to 4 hours / week Location:
Category: Teaching/Instruction
Employer: Impact Center
Wage: $14.00/hr Openings: 1 Listed: 08/05/2024
Hours: 2 to 6 hours / week Location:
Category: Miscellaneous
Employer: Phebe Anna Thorne School
Wage: $14.00/hr Openings: 4 Listed: 11/12/2024
Hours: 3 to 10 hours / week Location:
Thorne Kindergarten, Haverford College
Category: Teaching/Instruction
Employer: Undergraduate Admissions
Wage: See job details Openings: 1 Listed: 08/27/2024
Hours: 4 to 12 hours / week Location:
Category: Office/Clerical
Employer: Civic Engagement Office
Wage: $14.00/hr Openings: 3 Listed: 09/12/2024
Hours: 4 to 8 hours / week Location:
On-Campus; Career & Civic Engagement Center
Category: Office/Clerical
Employer: President's Office
Wage: $15.00/hr Openings: 2 Listed: 11/12/2024
Hours: 4 / week Location:
Category: Office/Clerical
Employer: Athletics & Physical Education
Wage: $13.00/hr Openings: 3 Listed: 04/16/2024
Hours: 4 to 10 hours / week Location:
Bern Schwartz Athletics and Fitness Center
Category: Athletics - SUMMER
Employer: Athletics & Physical Education
Wage: $14.00/hr Openings: 13 Listed: 09/10/2021
Hours: 4 to 10 hours / week Location:
Schwartz Gym
Category: Athletics
Employer: Athletics & Physical Education
Wage: See job details Openings: 5 Listed: 09/29/2024
Hours: 4 to 10 hours / week Location:
Category: Athletics

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